Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) project

LPR footage
Effective day and night

The Monte Vista Ratepayers Association has initiated a process of acquiring Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras for the area, which includes both Monte Vista and Plattekloof Glen. This initiative calls for participation from residents from both of these suburbs.

The goal is to free the neighbourhood from criminal activity. Statistics have shown that there is a reduction in crime from up to 80% in areas where LPR cameras are present. LPR is effective and contributes to the safe-keeping of our community.

Only together we can fight a crime. Residents are encourages to help acquire these cameras through donations. Fish Hoek is a good example of how effective these cameras can be. Criminal activity in the area is now minimal and easily monitored on a daily basis for threats.

Donations needed

The financial contributions made by our Ward Allocation are not sufficient to fund the much needed additional cameras as well as the maintenance cost of the existing cameras.

The involvement and financial support from community members or businesses is vital – any donation no matter how big or small will help. It would be a tragedy if momentum is lost or any LPR camera decommissioned because of lack of funding.

We are pleased that cooperation and assistance between different LPR working groups across the Ward exists as this is vitally important to the success of this project.

Payments can be made to:

Monte Vista Plattekloof Glen Neighbourhood Watch
Standard Bank
Account number:  07 368 800 2
N1 City Branch

Camera type comparison

How does the LPR camera work?

An LPR camera continuously reads number plates, day and night, and alerts local authorities and registered security companies of any suspicious vehicle which is retrieved from the national database.

Once a suspicous vehicle enters an area all relevant cameras will pick up and indicate the movement of that vehicle,  allowing for security to take necessary action. Cameras will have to be installed at strategic entry and exit points.

The benefits of LPR

  • Enables us to monitor who enters and exits the neighbourhood
  • Increased safety (was Safer neighbourhood)
  • Reduced criminal activity and insurance claims
  • More effective prosecution
  • Crime moves from area to area so sharing data for analysis results in crime prevention rather than combating crime.
  • Increased property values.
  • LPR is superior at recognising number plates compared to conventional cameras.
  • LPR can recognise number plates during the night and day.